Day Service

Carer Support

We will support you while attending Bealach House.

While you attend Bealach House, your carer/family will be supported throughout. You and your carer/family will be invited to attend reviews at the day service and our Day Service Manager and staff are available at any time to offer advice and support.

There is a quarterly Carers Group meeting and we encourage those of you who are in a caring role to come along and enjoy a massage or relaxing yoga session.

Our Saturday Drop-in is also an opportunity to come along and spend time at the day service where we offer lunch, refreshments and a complimentary therapeutic massage.

Baillieston Community Care


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Help us change lives across our services.

Your donations help Baillieston Community Care to change the lives of those we support.

Get in Touch

Head Office:
Parkhead School House, 135 Westmuir Street,
Parkhead, Glasgow, G31 5EX.

 0141 771 6478
 Email us

Opening Times:
Mon – Fri: 9am – 5pm
Sat & Sun: 8am - 4pm

Out of Hours:
Our out of hours service operates outwith the hours above. Out of these hours we have a dedicated 24/7 on call service which is automatically directed to the on call Manager via our main office number.