BCC Duty of Candour Report – 1 April 2023 – 31 March 2024

As a health and social care provider in Scotland, we are committed to upholding the Duty of Candour. This is a legal obligation that ensures transparency when things go wrong, so that those affected fully understand what occurred, receive a sincere apology, and that our organisation learns and improves from these experiences.

An essential aspect of this duty is our commitment to providing an annual report detailing how we have upheld the Duty of Candour within our service. This report covers the period from 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024. We trust you will find it informative.

How many incidents happened to which the duty of candour applies?

In the past year, there have been no incidents within our service that triggered the Duty of Candour.

Information about our policies and procedures

When an event occurs that invokes the Duty of Candour, our staff are required to report it immediately to the Service Manager. The Service Manager is responsible for ensuring that the Duty of Candour process is properly followed. This includes recording the incident and, if necessary, reporting it to the Care Inspectorate.

Following any such incident, the manager and relevant staff members initiate a learning review. This review allows us to thoroughly examine the incident, understand its causes, and implement any necessary changes to prevent similar occurrences in the future.

All new staff receive comprehensive training on the Duty of Candour during their induction. We recognize that serious incidents can be distressing not only for those who use our services and their families but also for our staff. To support our team, we have an Employee Assistance Programme available for any staff member affected by a Duty of Candour incident.

If you would like further information about our services, please do not hesitate to contact us:

Tel: 0141 771 6478

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